4 Back to School Gift Ideas For Your Teacher - Spatty

4 Back to School Gift Ideas For Your Teacher

on August 10, 2021

It's that time of year again. Summer vacation is coming to an end, and the 2021-2022 school year is about to begin. Teachers work very hard, and a lot of them spend their own money on supplies for the classroom. Many teachers work way past dismissal time and put a lot of love into teaching the children in their classroom. The beginning of the year is a great time to give your child’s teacher a gift for the classroom and let them know how much they are appreciated!

Here are four gift ideas for your child’s teacher:

1. Spatty

A Spatty is an excellent gift for any teacher. Your child’s teacher can use the Spatty to make sure they get every drop of glue, paint, etc., that is used in the classroom. The children in the class can also use a Spatty for their crafts in the classroom or for science experiments! 

2. Teacher Binder Clip Set

The teacher binder clip set is so useful and inexpensive! It is great for any teacher: elementary, middle school, or high school. The clips all come in different colors with the words:

  • Send Home
  • Make Copies
  • Graded
  • To Be Filed
  • To Be Graded
  • and For Volunteer

written on the clips. This is a great way to keep all the papers organized!

3. Teacher Wish List

A lot of teachers will have a teacher wish list. You can ask your child’s teacher if they have a wish list up on Amazon or has a written wish list they can share with you so you can make sure you get your child’s teacher a gift that they really want and that will be useful for the classroom.

4. Volunteer Your Time

Teachers are caring for and teaching around 20 plus students in their classroom, and they only have around a 30-minute break during school hours to get copies made, papers graded, activities set up, reach out to the students, etc. Maybe you can help your child’s teacher by volunteering an hour out of your day once a week to help them at school. Another idea is to take home some of the projects the teacher has planned and prepare them as needed for the project before it is given out to the kids. 
