“Zero Waste” has been buzzing around the internet, encouraging us to make less trash for the environment. Sounds great, right? But most of the tips you see online are expensive, complicated, and just downright unrealistic for the everyday person. Here are five quick, cheap ways to reduce your waste:
Use The Beauty Spatty!
Use up Every Last Drop®️ of all your cosmetics and body care! Waste less, save money, and stop throwing out weeks of perfectly good product! Not only that, your empty glass and plastic packaging will be clean and ready to put in the recycling.
Google Your Local Recycling Laws
The rules on how and what can be recycled changes from state to state and county to county. Most cities have a website you can visit to learn how your local recycling plant works: take five minutes to read up on yours, and you might be surprised what you can recycle!
Buy Products with a Recycling Logo
Standing in the grocery store deciding between two shampoos and can’t make up your mind? Try taking a look at the bottom of the bottle to see if the packaging is recyclable. Go for the recyclable option! Even better, make sure to use The Spatty to get the rest of that “empty” shampoo. You’ll be shocked how much is left in there.
Try a Bamboo Toothbrush
If your toothbrush has made it to the end of its life cycle, try swapping your plastic toothbrush for a biodegradable bamboo toothbrush. You won’t even notice a difference while you’re saving the world.
Take Stock of What You Already Own
Life gets busy, and it’s easy to forget what you actually have at home. Take a quick tour of your house to remind yourself of what’s already sitting in your cupboards before you head to the store. No double-buying means saving you money and avoiding unnecessary purchases. Use up what you’ve got at home!
Small changes can make a big difference. You can find our Beauty Spatty here to get you on your way. Let’s make a little less trash and get Every Last Drop ® out of life!
Test Comment
I love my Spatty’s! I’ve also been trying your #5 suggestion during this pandemic. Partly out of need and partly out of trying to declutter! It feels so good to have less crowed cupboards and to use up ALL of the product! Then I can buy what I LOVE!!