Cosmetic Purchases - Spatty

How to Get the Most From Your Cosmetic Purchases

on January 21, 2020

Your favorite cosmetics can be expensive, so you want to make sure you are getting the most out of them every time you buy. But, as you know, sometimes it's hard to get that last bit out of the bottom of the bottle. In the end, we often throw out nearly a quarter of what's left, which can add up to hundreds of dollars a year. Stop wasting money, and start using Spatty, the perfect multipurpose tool solution!

How Spatty Can Help

Next time you're nearing the end of a bottle of your favorite makeup or lotion, take off the cap and sneak a peek of how much is left. You may be surprised. But how can you stop wasting that last bit of product? You've tried all the tricks. Turning the bottle upside down helps to get a little more out, but there's still some left. Using a Q-Tip to scrape out the bottle ends up absorbing the product rather than getting it out. What else is there to try?

This is where Spatty comes in. The Spatty is a must-have tool for every makeup bag and can help you put every last drop of your cosmetics to good use. Its brilliant design is built to get to the bottom of every bottle. The Spatty is a cosmetic spatula with a long handle so it can reach into any sized container. It doesn't matter if it's a lotion, primer, foundation, or any other beauty essentials, Spatty can save you money.

And Spatty is reusable, so it's environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Purchase a Spatty once and keep using it every time you're at the end of a bottle. You'll be amazed at how much you can save throughout the life of your cosmetic products.

So before you throw out that almost-empty bottle, take off the cap and grab your Spatty!

Contact us to learn more about how Spatty can help you or buy one now for yourself and start saving.
